Research on the design method of lubrication structure of bearing of Drive Shaft with Large Aspect Ratio of Aero Engine
投稿时间:2024-10-28  修订日期:2024-12-25
中文关键词: 传动杆  花键  轴承  润滑  航空发动机
英文关键词: Gear lubrication  Gear test rig  Flowmaster  FDGS  GTF
沈丹妮 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 200241
宋玮* 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 200241
刘海鸥 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 
孙立权 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 
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      The drive shaft with large aspect ratio(normally over 10:1)is usually used in the commercial aero engine with huge bypass ratio.The function of the shaft is connecting the inlet gearbox and According to the requirement of accurate oil feeding to each oil nozzle of the test gearbox for a fan drive gear system (FDGS) testing, a multi-variable pressure oil separation unit was installed in the oil supply flow of the gear test system, which is closed power and provide by hydraulic load. The inner cavity of oil separation unit contains a number of branches with throttling components. The pressure drop of each throttling component is controllable by adjusting the diameter and length of throttle holes. In this way, multi-line oil with different pressure is supplied to the oil nozzles, which ensure that the oil flow rate and velocity at the oil nozzles can precisely comply with test requirements. In order to study the effects of the throttle holes diameter and length on oil flow rate and velocity at the oil nozzles, a one-dimensional, steady-state simulation of oil supply line in the gear test system was conducted using Flowmaster. The results show that the throttle hole diameter has much significant impact on pressure drop rather than that of throttle hole length. Especially when the throttle hole diameter is adjusted between 1mm to 3mm, the throttling component exhibit an obvious regulating effect on the oil feeding pressure of the gear test system.
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