Flammability research of isobutane-CO2 mixture used in Organic Rankine Cycle for engine waste heat recovery
投稿时间:2017-05-31  修订日期:2018-05-08
中文关键词: 内燃机,余热,混合工质,可燃极限
英文关键词: internal combustion engine, exhaust heat, mixture, flammability limit
吴明强 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室  
舒歌群 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室  
田华* 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室 thtju@tju.edu.cn 
刘越玮 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室  
王雪颖 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室  
严南华 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室  
摘要点击次数: 861
全文下载次数: 2
      To solve the matching problem between high temperature exhaust and working medium in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), a novel working medium consisting of alkane and CO2 has been put forward in this paper. This paper proposed a new experimental setup to evaluate the flammable limits of hydrocarbon diluted with CO2 based on ASTME681-2009 criterion. The experimental results show that lower flammability limit increases quite gently with increasing molar fraction of CO2 while upper flammability limit decreases rapidly with increasing molar fraction of CO2 which differs from the case of LFL. This paper has established flammability limit prediction models against isobutane/CO2 mixture on the basis of threshold flame temperature theory. The predicted results of lower flammability limit have good agreement with experimental data while the error of upper flammability limit between estimation and observed data is lager comparing with that of lower flammability limit.
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