Evaporation characteristics of n-butanol aqueous solution droplets
投稿时间:2020-06-12  修订日期:2020-08-12
中文关键词: 去离子水  正丁醇水溶液  液滴  蒸发特性
英文关键词: deionized water  n-butanol aqueous solution  droplet  evaporation characteristics
苏新军* 天津商业大学  
商彤 天津商业大学 shangtong12345@163.com 
晁颖 天津商业大学  
摘要点击次数: 332
全文下载次数: 69
      The droplet evaporation process is accompanied by a complex flow change process, which is not fully understood in the existing studies. Self-wetting fluid is a binary fluid with special surface tension properties, and understanding its evaporative heat transfer characteristics is important to reveal its enhanced heat transfer mechanism. In order to explore the evaporation characteristics of self-wetting fluid droplets, the droplet shape analyzer (DSA100) was used to study the evaporation characteristics of droplets of ionized water and n-butanol aqueous solution (0.5% mass fraction) from copper bottom plate at different temperatures (30℃, 40℃, 50℃, 60℃). The results show that:Adding a small amount of n-butanol solution does not affect the evaporation mode of deionized water droplets. However, the addition of n-butanol solution to deionized water increased the contact radius of the initial droplets and decreased the initial contact Angle, increased the average evaporation rate of the droplets when the bottom temperature was low, and increased the intensity of Marangoni flow during droplet evaporation thus enhancing the heat transfer effect. With the increase of the substrate temperature, the average contact Angle and evaporation rate of n-butanol aqueous solution droplets are positively correlated with the temperature, which conforms to the basic evaporation model of droplets.
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