Calculation of the thermodynamic properties for CO2 by crossover SRK EoS
投稿时间:2021-07-09  修订日期:2022-09-16
中文关键词: SRK状态方程  跨接模型  近临界区  二氧化碳
英文关键词: SRK EoS  crossover model  critical region  carbon dioxide
杨枚洁 西安交通大学 ymj0810@stu.xjtu.edu.cn 
董澳 西安交通大学  
占涛涛 西安交通大学  
何茂刚 西安交通大学  
张颖* 西安交通大学 zhangying@xjtu.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 561
全文下载次数: 221
      The calculation of the thermodynamic properties of CO2 in the critical region is the basis for the engineer-ing application of supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2). The cubic EoSs based on the mean field theory cannot describe the singularity of the thermodynamic properties of the fluid near the critical point caused by the critical fluctuations, and a crossover model needs to be introduced. Here, based on the Kiselev’s method the crossover SRK EoS for CO2 was established. The explicit crossover function was used in the crossover SRK EoS to improve calculation efficiency. The phase equilibrium properties, the pvT properties in the single-phase region, the heat capacity and the speed of sound for CO2 were calculated using both crossover SRK EoS and SRK EoS. The calculation results show that, the crossover SRK EoS in this paper has significantly improved the description accuracy of original SRK EoS for the saturated liquid density and the pvT properties in the liquid and supercritical regions. The average absolute relative deviations of saturated liquid density and saturated gas density are increased by 11.51% and 1.49% respectively, and the critical specific constant pressure heat capacity cp, critical specific constant volume heat capacity cv and critical sound speed u are increased by 9.25%, 8.72% and 5.01% respectively. The equation proposed here can accurately de-scribe the divergence behavior of heat capacity and speed of sound at the critical point for CO2.
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