Numerical study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of a channel formed by circular tube bank fins punched with curve delta-winglet vortex generators
投稿时间:2021-08-28  修订日期:2022-03-24
中文关键词: 翅片管束通道  强化换热  二次流  曲面涡产生器  数值模拟
英文关键词: Finned tube bundle channel  heat transfer enhancement  secondary flow  curved vortex generator  numerical simulation
张玲 兰州交通大学 769687624@qq.com 
林志敏* 兰州交通大学 linzm.lzjtu@163.com 
李圣帆 兰州交通大学  
石文奎 兰州交通大学  
王良璧 兰州交通大学  
摘要点击次数: 64
全文下载次数: 56
      平直翅片管翅式换热器翅片侧通道内的马蹄形涡的强度有限,而在翅片表面冲压三角形曲面涡产生器可以诱导产生强烈的二次流,从而增强翅片表面的传热性能。本文采用数值方法对环置曲面涡产生器翅片管束通道内的流动与传热进行了模拟,并采用无量纲参数Se量化了翅片管束通道内的二次流强度。对比分析了平直翅片管束通道和环置曲面三角形涡产生器翅片管束通道内二次流特性及翅片表面传热特性,进一步分析了圆管前端的曲面涡产生器的周向位置及径向位置对其二次流特性和传热性能的影响,并探讨了翅片侧通道内二次流特性和传热特性的关系。结果表明:环置曲面三角形涡产生器可在通道中产生较强的二次流,同时涡产生器的引流作用明显改善了管后尾涡区的传热性能, 从而提高了换热器整体换热性能。在较高Re条件下,环置曲面涡产生器起到强化传热作用。在所研究的参数范围内,最优结构参数与Re有关,当DVG1/Dc=1.55,β1=105o,Re=2500时,JF可达 1.23。
      The intensity of the horseshoe vortex in the fin side channel of the plain fin tube heat exchanger is limited, and curve delta-winglet vortex generators punched on fin surface can generate stronger sec-ondary flow to improve the heat transfer performance of fin surfaces. In this paper, the fluid flow and heat transfer performance in the fin side channel of annular curved vortex generator heat exchanger is simulated numerically, and the intensity of the secondary flow in the fin side passage is quantified by us-ing the dimensionless parameter named for Se. The secondary flow and heat transfer characteristics of the channel formed by circular tube bank plain fins with or without curve delta-winglet vortex generator are compared, the influence of the circumferential and radial position of the curve delta-winglet vortex generator on the secondary flow and heat transfer performance are also analyzed, and the relationship between secondary flow characteristics and heat transfer characteristics in fin side channels is also dis-cussed. The results show that the stronger intensity of secondary flow in the channel can be generated by curve delta-winglet vortex generators placed around the tube, and the vortex generator improves the heat transfer performance in the wake region behind the tube then to improve the overall heat transfer per-formance of the heat exchanger. Under the higher Reynolds numbers, the vortex generator can greatly enhance the heat transfer performance of heat exchanger. In the range of parameters studied, the opti-mum geometry parameter is associated with Re, when DVG1/Dc=1.55, β1=105° and Re=2500, the thermal performance factor is up to 1.23.
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