Experimental study on thermal performance of pulsating heat pipe with graphene oxide
投稿时间:2014-12-11  修订日期:2015-03-25
中文关键词: 脉动热管  氧化石墨烯  强化传热  沉降
英文关键词: pulsating heat pipe  graphene oxide  heat transfer enhancement  sedimentation.
苏新军* 天津商业大学 suxinjun@tjcu.edu.cn 
韩魏 天津商业大学 453532399@qq.com 
张明 天津商业大学  
郭宪民 天津商业大学  
摘要点击次数: 613
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      An experimental study was conduct to investigate the effect of graphene oxide on heat transfer performance of pulsating heat pipe with deionized water and 50% concentration ethanol solution. The outside diameter of pulsating heat pipe is 4mm,the inner diameter 2 mm. Working fluid was separately deionized water and 50% ethanol solution plusing small amount of graphene oxide. The mass fraction of graphene oxide was 0.03%. The results show the graphene oxide can enhance the heat transfer performance of pulsating heat pipe filled with deionized water, and slightly enhance the heat transfer performance of pulsating heat pipe filled with ethanol. The influence is closely related with the heating power. For pulsating heat pipe of deionized water,when the heating power is less than 20W, the strengthening effect of graphene oxide is weak.when the heating power is in the range of 30 ~ 60W, the strengthening effect is strong,about 3.71~ 11.33%. With power increasing, the strengthening effect of graphene oxide is significantly increased.However, when the heating power is up to 80W, the heat transfer performance of heat pipe is weak due to the deposition of graphene oxide.
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