Numerical Investigation of the Characteristics of Combustion Process and Pollutant Emissions in a Wastewater Incinerator
投稿时间:2015-01-15  修订日期:2015-03-19
中文关键词: 废液焚烧炉  数值模拟 过量空气系数  氮氧化物
英文关键词: Wastewater incinerator  Numerical simulation  EA  NOx
尹洪超* 大连理工大学能源与动力学院 hcyin@dlut.edu.cn 
付立欣 大连理工大学能源与动力学院  
英鹏 大连理工大学能源与动力学院  
穆林 大连理工大学能源与动力学院  
摘要点击次数: 1069
全文下载次数: 5
      Comprehensive 3D numerical simulation of combustion process of a 10 t?h–1 wastewater incinerator in a petroleum refinery has been performed by FLUENT, complicated flow, temperature distribution, pollutant emissions, component concentration distributions and the shape of the flame have been studied. The results reveal the characteristics of combustion, flow and heat transfer, mass transfer. Simulations of combustion in the furnace under the conditions of different EA values have been performed; the results show that with the increasing coefficient of excess air (EA), the peak temperature in the furnace decreases gradually, temperature distribution becomes more uniform, area of combustion zone increases. Furthermore, average NOx concentration of the wastewater incinerator outlet becomes higher gradually with EA increasing. While EA=1.25, the outlet temperature is reasonable and the NOx concentration is low enough. Simulation results agree with the test data, which verify the reliability of the model, providing reliable basis for optimizing the designed operation condition and pollutant control.
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