Configuration optimization LP model and efficient algorithm for CCHP system
投稿时间:2015-03-31  修订日期:2015-04-30
中文关键词: 冷热电三联供  线性规划  图解法  配置优化
英文关键词: CCHP  linear programming  graphic method  sizing optimization
唐继旭 同济大学 tang-jixu@163.com 
秦朝葵* 同济大学 chkqin@tongji.edu.cn 
邱菊 同济大学  
摘要点击次数: 459
全文下载次数: 88
      冷热电三联供系统(combined cooling heating and power , CCHP)的经济性受多种因素影响,需要在设计阶段进行系统的配置优化和运行优化。以年总费用(ATC)最低为目标构建了CCHP系统配置优化模型,同时构建了运行优化模型以确定最佳的运行方案。这两个模型均包含大量的逐时线性规划(linear programming , LP)模型,而常规循环求解方法求解耗时较长。通过对逐时LP模型分段消元,并引入图解法求解,将常规方法中的迭代循环转换成矩阵代数运算,可大大提高求解效率。计算案例显示:运行优化模型的求解时间从常规方法的78.500 s减少到了0.015 s,配置优化模型的求解时间从3 338.000s缩短至0.760s。极短的求解时间有利于CCHP系统的多方案对比和敏感性分析。
      The benefit of a Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) system depends on many factors. It is essential to optimize the system configuration and operation scheme as early as possible in designing stage. In this paper a sizing optimization model focused on the minimum annual total cost (ATC) and an operation optimization model focused on the minimum annual energy charge (AEC) were established. The former was used to determine the optimal capacity of a CCHP system, while the latter was used to provide optimal operation schemes. Both models contain large number of hourly linear programming (LP) models, and the solution process of both models was proved to be quite time-consuming if conventional iterative method was used. In this paper, the piecewise elimination method was proposed for hourly LP models and a graphic method in which the iteration was converted to an algebraic matrix was introduced to greatly improve the computation efficiency. The results demonstrated that the calculation time was reduced from 78.500 s for conventional solution to 0.015 s for the graphic method in operation optimization model. The calculation time of sizing optimization model was only 0.760 s by graphic method, whereas the conventional iterative method took 3 338.00s. The improved efficiency of calculation method could be helpful to compare different schemes and sensitivity analysis.
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