徐 明 海,舒 华 文,巩 亮,孙 宪 航,孙 涛.双水平井SAGD预热阶段温度场计算[J].,2018,17(2):94-101
Calculation of temperature field in SAGD preheating stage of double horizontal wells
投稿时间:2017-06-15  修订日期:2017-10-17
中文关键词: 水平井  蒸汽辅助重力泄油  流函数  数值方法  非结构化网格
英文关键词: horizontal well  steam assisted gravity draining,SAGD  stream function  numerical methods  unstructured grid
基金项目:国家自然科学( 51276199)。
徐 明 海* 中国石油大学储运与建筑工程学院 minghai@upc.edu.cn 
舒 华 文 中国石油大学储运与建筑工程学院中石化胜利分公司滨南采油厂  
巩 亮 中国石油大学储运与建筑工程学院  
孙 宪 航 中国石油大学储运与建筑工程学院  
孙 涛 中国石油大学储运与建筑工程学院  
摘要点击次数: 718
全文下载次数: 8
      The temperature field evolution of SAGD steam cycle of doube horizontal wells is simulated using the stream function method. The difference between the pure thermal conduction effect and the effect of heat conduction coupling with convection is compared.The heat dissipation rate of unit length and the change of the temperature in the middle of the two wells with time are given.Besides, the influence of wells pacing on preheating time is also analyzed.The final results show that the heat dissipation rate of unitl ength is larger in the initial stage,but decreases quickly and graduallyr eaches are lativelystablevalue.The main factor affecting the preheating time is the well spacing,and the preheating time is 4 times of the original one when the wells pacingis doubled.The natural convection heat transfer effectis very weak when the viscosity of crude oil is large or the well spacing is small, while it becomes strong when the viscosity of crude oil is not very large or the well spacing is large. For the latter case,the preheating time is substantially reduced.
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