Experimental Studies of Heat Transfer and Fluid in Helical Baffle Corrugated Tube Heat Exchanger used in hoisin Sterilization
投稿时间:2017-12-03  修订日期:2018-06-02
中文关键词: 折流板换热器  波纹管换热器  海鲜酱杀菌  传热与流动性  实验研究
英文关键词: helical baffle heat exchanger  corrugated tube heat exchanger  hoisin sterilization  diathermancy and fluidity  experiment
胡卫朋* 广西特种设备检验研究院桂林分院 huweipeng@yahoo.com 
梁才航 桂林电子科技大学机电工程学院  
莫家国 广西特种设备检验研究院桂林分院  
李小良 广西特种设备检验研究院桂林分院  
谭启勇 广西特种设备检验研究院桂林分院  
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      为了开发用于液体食品杀菌的新型换热器,通过实验研究了螺旋折流板波纹管换热器用于海鲜酱杀菌过程中的传热与流动性能,研究结果表明:在水-海鲜酱的热交换中,螺旋折流板波纹管换热器总传热系数比波纹管换热器提高了10%~50%,比光管换热器提高了30%~130%;管侧海鲜酱综合性能系数 α/Δp值波纹管大于光管,壳侧水的综合性能系数α/Δp 值螺旋折流板波纹管结构换热器比波纹管结构的和光管结构的都大,证明了螺旋折流板波纹管换热器用于液体食品杀菌具有良好的应用前景。
      In order to develop a new type of heat exchanger used in liquid food sterilization,the diathermancy and fluidity of helical baffle corrugated tube heat exchangers used in hoisin sterilization were experimentally studied. The results show that , in water-hoisin system the total heat transfer coefficient of helical baffle corrugated tube heat exchanger is higher about 10%~50% and than that of corrugated tube and higher 30%~130% than that of smooth- tube heat exchanger. In additon, on the tube side the coefficient α/Δp of the hoisin ,which is to predict the performance of heat exchanger. for the corrugated tube heat exchanger is larger than that for the smooth-tube heat exchanger,while on shell side the coefficient α/Δp of water for the helical baffle corrugated tube heat exchanger is bigger than for the other two heat exchangers. Therefore, the helical baffle corrugated tube heat exchanger used in liquid food sterilization has a good prospect.
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