包航凯,汪日丰,贺缨,杨世严,母立众.内部通道肋片结构对Mark II叶片冷却性能影响的降维模型研究[J].,2020,19(3):233-239
内部通道肋片结构对Mark II叶片冷却性能影响的降维模型研究
Study on Influence of Ribbed Structure In Internal Channel On Cooling Performance Of Mark II Blade Using Dimensionality Reduction Model
投稿时间:2019-03-06  修订日期:2019-05-24
中文关键词: 燃气轮机 叶片冷却 带肋结构 管网计算
英文关键词: gas turbine  blade cooling  ribbed structure  pipe-net algorithm
包航凯 大连理工大学 baohk@mail.dlut.edu.cn 
汪日丰 大连理工大学  
贺缨* 大连理工大学 heying@dlut.edu.cn 
杨世严 大连理工大学中国长江三峡集团有限公司  
母立众 大连理工大学  
摘要点击次数: 364
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      一维冷却通道气热耦合计算是分层涡轮叶片冷却结构设计的重要方法。发展了以管道网络算法为核心的内部冷却特性计算程序,并与三维传热计算进行了耦合。通过与Mark II 叶片特定实验工况下的结果进行对比,验证了本方法的有效性。此外,进一步将带肋结构流道传热特性相关经验公式集总在一维气热耦合算法中,分析了带肋通道改型的Mark II叶片冷却性能。结果显示,带肋结构相比光滑流道能显著提升换热性能,在中径截面处较原方案温度下降15~30K。
      One-dimensional cooling channel conjugate thermal calculation is an important method for layered turbine blade cooling structure design. In this paper, the internal cooling characteristic calculation program based on the pipe-net algorithm is developed and coupled with the three-dimensional heat transfer calculation. The effectiveness of the method is verified by comparison with the results of Mark II blade under specific experimental conditions. In addition, the empirical formulas of the heat transfer characteristics of the ribbed structure are further integrated into the one-dimensional gas-thermal coupling algorithm, and the cooling performance of the modified ribbed channel Mark II blade is analyzed. The result show that the ribbed channel can significantly improve the heat transfer performance compared with the smooth flow channel for which the temperature decreases by 15~30K compared with the original scheme at the middle diameter section.
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