Analysis on indoor thermal environment and heating bhaviours of an ofice bilding in Changsha
投稿时间:2019-10-29  修订日期:2020-01-13
中文关键词: 办公建筑  逻辑回归  频率特性  热环境  供暖行为
英文关键词: office building  logistic regression  frequency characteristics  thermal environment  heating behaviors
张静 湖南大学 18373238319@163.com 
李念平* 湖南大学 linianping@126.com 
周淋萱 湖南大学  
摘要点击次数: 679
全文下载次数: 57
      为了研究室内热环境与人员的供暖行为,以长沙市某办公建筑为例,对该办公建筑室内外热湿环境与供暖系统能耗进行了连续监测。根据室内温度、相对湿度与供暖设备能耗数据,分析了室内人员供暖行为以及室内热环境频率特性,并采用逻辑回归方法构建室内供暖设备开启率预测模型。结果表明:该办公建筑冬季室内平均温度为20.1 ℃,平均相对湿度为43.6%;室内供暖设备开启时刻室内温度均值为13.6 ℃,关闭时刻室内温度为22.8 ℃(人员热偏好行为作用下);根据所构建的室内供暖设备开启率预测模型(sig = 0.000),得出当室外温度为10.7 ℃时,室内供暖设备开启概率为80%。
      In order to study indoor thermal environment and heating behavior in an office building in Changsha, the indoor and outdoor hot-humid environment parameters and energy consumption of heating system were continuously recorded. According to indoor temperatures, relative humidity and energy consumption of the end of the heating system, heating behaviors and frequency characteristics of indoor thermal environment were analyzed. Besides a logistic regression was used to construct the prediction model of the probability of turning on indoor heating equipment. The results show that the average indoor temperature is 20.1 °C and the average relative humidity is 43.6% on heating; Indoor temperature once heating equipment are opened is 13.6 °C, and the indoor temperature at the time of shutdown indoor heating equipment is 22.8 °C ( Under the action of people"s thermal preference ). According to the proposed formula after the logistic regression is used(sig = 0.000), it is concluded that the outdoor temperature is 10.7 °C when the opening rate of indoor heating equipment is 80%.
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