Study on heat transfer performance enhancement of air-cooled platform of the converter valve under windy conditions
投稿时间:2022-04-23  修订日期:2022-10-29
中文关键词: 空冷平台  数值模拟  环境风  挡风墙  换流阀
英文关键词: air-cooled platform  numerical simulation  windy conditions  windscreen  converter valve
刘志远 国网宁夏电力有限公司超高压公司 liuzhiyuan_paper@qq.com 
潘亮亮 国网宁夏电力有限公司  
杨晨 国网宁夏电力有限公司超高压公司  
李早阳* 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 lizaoyang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 
刘立军 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院  
摘要点击次数: 15
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      针对北方某换流站换流阀空冷平台,研究了其在不同环境风条件下的换热能力,并在最不利环境风条 件下对不同挡风墙安装策略下空冷平台的换热特性进行了分析。结果表明,当空冷平台位于建筑下游且距离 建筑较近时,环境风对其换热性能的影响最大。在最不利环境风条件下,换流阀极1、极2空冷平台的换热量 较无风环境分别减少了39.3%与28.6%。不同的挡风墙安装策略对空冷平台换热能力的影响存在明显差 异,下挡风墙能够有效阻隔上游空冷平台排出的热气流进入下游空冷平台,而上挡风墙则可以有效削弱空冷 平台自身的热风回流现象。在最不利环境风条件下,采用上挡风墙4.0m 的布置策略对空冷平台的换热更 为有利,为换流阀空冷平台的设计与改造提供了有益指导。
      The heat transfer capacity of the air-cooled platform of a converter valve at a northern converter station was studied under various windy conditions. Additionally, the heat transfer characteristics ofthe air-cooled platform were analyzed under the most unfavorable windy conditions with different windscreeninstallationstrategies. Results showthat theinfluence of ambient wind on the air-cooled platformis most pronounced whenthe platformis situated downstream ofthe building andin close proximity to it. Under the harshest windy conditions, the heat transfer rates for the air-cooled platforms of the converter valve pole 1 and pole 2 decrease by 39.3% and 28.6% respectively, compared to the wind-free conditions. Different windscreeninstallation strategies have varying impacts on the heat transfer capacity of the air-cooled platform. The lower windscreen effectivelyblocksthe hotairflowfromthe upstreamair-cooledplatformfromenteringthedownstream air-cooled platform, while the upper windscreen effectively reduces the hot air recirculation of the platform. On balance, the upper windscreen4.0 marrangementstrategyis morefavorabletothe heat transfer of the air-cooled platform for the toughest wind conditions. This research provides useful guidance for the initial design and subsequent further optimization of the air-cooling platform of the converter valve.
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