Research progress and prospects of sessile droplets evaporation
投稿时间:2022-11-16  修订日期:2023-03-17
中文关键词: 固着液滴  蒸发  热质传递  气液固三相耦合
英文关键词: sessile droplets  evaporation  heat and mass transfer  gas-liquid-solid three-phase coupling
刘联胜 河北工业大学 liuliansheng@hebut.edu.cn 
刘轩臣 河北工业大学  
张文瑞 河北工业大学  
贾文琪 河北工业大学  
段润泽* 河北工业大学 duanrunze@hebut.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 433
全文下载次数: 121
      The sessile droplet is a droplet that adheres to the wall. The evaporation behavior and heat & mass transfer characteristics of sessile droplets are one of the basic problems in the field of phase change heat and mass transfer, such as spray cooling and inkjet printing. This paper focuses on the evolution of its own shape involved in the evaporation process of sessile droplets, and the characteristics of gas-liquid-solid three-phase coupling heat & mass transfer and flow. Combined with the basic evaporation mode, heat & mass transfer form, gas-liquid two-phase flow characteristics and interfacial transport behavior of millimeter and micrometer scales sessile droplets, the mechanism and effect of key factors such as droplet properties, wall conditions and gas phase environment on the droplets evaporation process are analyzed in detail. Based on the current research status, prospects for related research on the process and mechanism of heat & mass transfer in micro- and nano-scale sessile droplets (swarms) are presented.
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