Research on heat transfer characteristics of R410A condensation in aluminum multiport tubes
投稿时间:2022-03-08  修订日期:2022-09-23
中文关键词: 多孔铝扁管  冷凝传热  换热系数  压降
英文关键词: Aluminum multiport tubes  Condensation  Heat transfer  Pressure drop
王旭 内蒙古农业大学 yiqiyihui_wang@163.com 
孙云峰 内蒙古农业大学  
甄琦 内蒙古农业大学  
孙凯 内蒙古农业大学  
闫彩霞* 内蒙古农业大学 ndycx@imau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 300
全文下载次数: 183
      为了探究制冷剂在多孔铝扁管内的冷凝传热特性,采用实验方法对 R410A在多孔铝扁管内的冷凝传 热和压降特性进行了研究。冷凝温度分别为47、40和30℃,单位截面质量流率在200~600kg/(m2·s)。给 出了实验 测 试 结 果,并 采 用 公 开 发 表 的 学 术 文 献 中 的 模 型 与 这 些 实 验 测 试 结 果 进 行 了 对 比。 Müller- Steinhagen和 Heck模型预测压降的精度最高,它预测93.3%测试点的偏差在±20%之内,预测100%测试点 的偏差在±30%之内。Koyama等模型预 测 传 热 系 数 的 精 度 最 高,它 预 测 93.3%测 试 点 的 偏 差 在 ±10%之 内,预测100%测试点的偏差在±20%之内。
      In order to research the condensing heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant in aluminum multiport tubes, the condensing heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of R410A in aluminum multiport tubes are experimentally studied. The condensing temperature is 47, 40 and 30 ℃ respectively, and the mass flow rate is between 200~600 kg/(m2·s). The experimental results are given, and the existing models are used to analyze these experimental data. The Muller-Steinhagen and Heck model had the highest accuracy in predicting pressure drop, predicting 93.3% of the data points to within ±20% and 100% of the data points to within ±30%. The Koyama et al. model had the highest accuracy in predicting heat transfer coefficients, predicting 93.3% of the data points to within ±10% and 100% of the data points to within ±20%.
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